A Look at The Options

There are many ways to make this superb drink!

The French Press

The French Press is one of the world's most common coffee brew methods, if not the most common. It's an infusion method, which means that the coffee is extracted via submerging the grounds in hot water.

How to use a French Press

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The Chemex

Unlike infusion brew methods, the Chemex extracts coffee through percolation. A percolating brew method extracts coffee by filtering it through a permeable material. In addition to being able to make excellent coffee, many people also find the design of the Chemex to be aesthetically pleasing.

How to use a Chemex

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The Aeropress

Portable, quick, easy to clean, and brews delicious coffee. There are many reasons to love the Aeropress, and many ways to use it. In fact, there's even a World Aeropress Championship, where people compete to see who can brew the best cup.

How to use an Aeropress

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The Moka Pot

Iconic in Italian culture, this stove-top brewer is capable of serving up one strong cup of coffee!

How to use a Moka Pot

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